What we do

our approach

  • Experience

    Lighthouse is building on its experience in climate resilience planning, implementation, facilitation and organizing to support community-led resilience efforts.

  • Equity

    We facilitate collaborative governance models that center equity in partnership development.

  • Locality

    We prioritize hiring and contracting with individuals from the communities we serve.

  • Resources

    We leverage our connections to local, state and federal resources and initiatives that may benefit community resilience efforts.

  • Cohesion

    We facilitate social cohesion and educational opportunities to support community voice, understanding and momentum.

  • Sustainability

    We seek sustainable finance models that prioritize long-term ecological and social health over short-term gains, ensuring that our efforts support rather than exploit the natural world and communities.

  • Empowerment

    We seek to empower local initiatives and foster inclusive participation, building adaptive systems that protect both people and ecosystems.

  • Stewardship

    We strive to nurture connections that are based on mutual respect, collaboration, and a shared commitment to stewardship.


Lighthouse’s core strategies and approaches are built on the experiences and background of our staff, the voices of our partners and communities, and examples of equitable and successful climate resilience stories from across the country. 

We’ve created two pilot programs to meet growing community and ecosystem needs: our Community Resilience Program and our Finance Program. We are currently piloting our Community Resilience Program and are developing our Finance program, expected to launch in 2025.

Community Resilience Program

The North River, Laurel Road and Merrimon Project


  • North River, Laurel Road and Merrimon are three rural, unincorporated, majority-minority communities in Carteret County, North Carolina with a population of roughly 800 people.

  • The communities are vulnerable to climate impacts and severe weather as a result of their location, underinvestment in community assets, economic struggles, insecure housing susceptible to high winds and flooding, and a largely aging population.

  • Rising water tables are resulting in a decrease in the efficiency of septic systems, which over time will likely condemn homes

  • Residents also report that most homes do not have insurance

  • Many homes are manufactured homes, which will

  • Many properties are heirs properties, highlighting another risk to home ownership and housing security. The recent document Silver Dollar Road highlights a family from one of the communities, Merrimon, and their struggles with ownership and the resulting injustice that can befall heirs property owners

Climate Risks

  • The communities are in low-lying, marsh adjacent areas that are experience frequent flooding.

  • They are in the path of salt marsh migration (as seen in diagram below).

  • They are also at risk of 9 ft of storm surge in a category 3 hurricane (see diagram below)

      • Link to below diagram in Canva here

  • Anecdotally, residents report at times being unable to pay water and electricity bills, further increasing vulnerability to climate shocks such as heat waves or ice storms.

Community strengths

  • Despite challenges and injustices, the communities have strong social network.

  • The communities are well-organized and residents have much passion and drive to take care of their community and one another.

Lighthouse’s role

  • Lighthouse is facilitating the implementation of a co-created collaborative governance structure centered on equity, transparency and inclusion.

  • We are also supporting organizing and social cohesion by hiring a community organizer from North River and funding workshops 

  • We support data collection and education efforts and aligning the community resilience efforts with other initiatives.

    • We have assisted in organizing community meetings for the Resilient Coastal Communities Program (RCCP), including collecting over 20 surveys for their vulnerability assessment going door-to-door.

    • Similarly, we have assisted in collecting x surveys for UNC’s DEEPP program, studying the effects of severe weather and trauma on communities.

    • We organized severe weather Hurricane Preparedness meeting with the National Weather Service.

Where we are and where we’re going


At Lighthouse, we are dedicated to empowering nonprofits and institutions with the tools and expertise needed to enhance their community engagement and outreach efforts. Our comprehensive consulting services in workshop facilitation and community engagement are designed to increase your organization’s capacity and impact. Whether you need assistance with project management, developing effective outreach strategies, or designing and facilitating workshops, our experienced team is here to support your mission and help you reach your goals.

Workshop Facilitation

At Lighthouse, we specialize in providing workshop facilitation services for nonprofits and institutions. Our goal is to help you increase your capacity to effectively engage with your networks, communities, and constituencies. Our services include comprehensive project management, tailored workshop design, meticulous planning, professional facilitation, and thorough follow-up, ensuring that your workshops are impactful and productive. We also offer expert report writing to document and analyze the outcomes of your workshops.

our offerings

Lighthouse provides workshop facilitation services tailored for nonprofits and institutions. We collaborate with clients seeking to enhance their capacity to engage their networks, communities, or constituencies. Depending on your needs, we offer the following services:

  • Project management

  • Workshop design, planning, facilitation, and follow-up

  • Report writing

Community Engagement & Outreach

Lighthouse is committed to enhancing your organization’s community engagement, education, and outreach efforts. We offer strategic development of outreach plans, creation of engaging and educational materials, and hands-on engagement services such as door-to-door canvassing, flyer distribution, and event representation. Our aim is to help you build strong, lasting connections with your community, ensuring your message reaches and resonates with those you serve.

our offerings

Lighthouse enhances your organization’s community engagement, education, and outreach efforts. Our services include:

  • Outreach strategy development

  • Developing educational materials

  • Engagement services such as door-to-door canvassing, flyer distribution, and event representation

Contact US

Ready to elevate your community engagement and outreach efforts?

Contact us today to discuss how our expert workshop facilitation and consulting services can support your organization’s mission and goals. Let’s work together to make a meaningful impact!